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The Phoenix has the wings to fly the world. But its flying is really just a movie, so it doesn't have to work hard. The Phoenix flies all day and everyday but never has any care for what's going on around it - until one day it finally notices that there are people living down below who want the phoenix for themselves. The phoenix decides to rebel against these people by not flying away anymore and live with them below, where they can live together in peace. This blog post will discuss these themes in detail through an exploration of this very short film called "flightofthephoenixinhindimoviedubbedonline". I hope to shed some light on these themes and their verbal and visual representations throughout the film. I hope that I will be able to show how this film embodies the typical themes of both the Western animation genre, as well as typical animation archetypes. This is a typical flightofthephoenixinhindimoviedubbedonline because it follows the archetypal "childish" love story, family drama, and death symbolism found in typical Western animations. There are many issues within this short film that must be examined to fully understand its ideological significations. So in order for me to explain all of these arguments in depth, a brief explanation of a few terms will be necessary to understand everything about the film further. To start out, this blog post will explain the relevance of the film in relation to these terms. The first term is "childish". This word refers to the idea that something is childish in nature due to its direct connection with children, or being in a childlike state of mind. This is because children are not able to fully understand something due to their lack of experience and knowledge. Children are able to understand things which can be understood by them; for example "children" can understand what it means when they hear "running", but won't necessarily know what it means when they hear the word "snow". It is the same with films aimed at children, they are able to understand many key concepts, but will not fully understand them until they become adults. That's why films like "Flight of the Phoenix" and many other animations directed at children and directed by adults can still be enjoyable and meaningful for both children and adults because we all feel we understand something when we watch a film directed toward children. Sometimes it can be very hard to explain to people our childhood experiences with films like "Flight of the Phoenix", but I hope that this blog post makes it easier for me to explain these feelings. The second term that will be discussed in this blog post is "archetypal". The word "archetypal" is a combination of two Greek words: arche and typal. The word "archetypal" describes something that is similar across all groups of people, individuals, things, etc. The word "archetypal" is often used when talking about certain types of fables that have a lot of similarities across a few different cultures. One archetype that was studied in depth in this blog post is the story of a hero who must go on a journey in order to save his princess from the villain. This story has been told ever since The Ancient Greeks in their stories such as "Oedipus Rex". cfa1e77820